TAG: programs

Celebrate, Create, Enjoy & Gain Knowledge at the Library in July

Posted in News on June 18, 2024 at 6:00 am

July is often the perfect time for travel, staycations, and celebrations. It is also a great time to explore your creativity, find new avenues for entertainment, and dive into informative topics that you’ve been meaning to learn more about. Throughout the month of July, we’re celebrating... […]

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Adventure Begins at Your Library: Summer Events, Activities & A Reading Challenge

Posted in News on June 5, 2024 at 6:00 am

The theme for this year’s Summer Reading events, activities, and reading challenge is Adventure Begins at Your Library. We invite you to visit your library to explore a great selection of books found on library shelves and in our digital collections for our Summer Reading Challenge, as well as with our programs and events with something for every […]

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Explore the Ice Age Floods That Created the Pacific Northwest’s Breathtaking Geology

Posted in Explore and Discover on February 7, 2024 at 6:00 am

Guest blogger Don Chadbourne shares the story of the Ice Age Floods, which will be the feature of four presentations focusing on different locations and perspectives at SCLD libraries in February. […]

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Helpful Spring Gardening Programs, Informative Books & the Latest from the Master Gardeners

Posted in Explore and Discover on April 11, 2023 at 6:00 am

By Crystal Miller Spring is upon us and that means there’s a new crop of gardening programs on offer at our libraries, fresh gardening books on our shelves, and seed libraries to visit. Our long-time community partner, the WSU Extension Spokane County Master Gardeners, has been presenting gardening programs and hosting a plant clinic at […]

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Preparing to Get Outdoors: Helpful Books, Guided Hikes & A Spring Essentials List

Posted in Explore and Discover on March 15, 2023 at 5:00 am

By Alison Johnson Around this time of year, I anxiously await getting outdoors with my pup. I have a high energy dog who loves tramping through the mountains and just about anywhere we can find a trail. If I can’t wait, this means we’ll run into mud, ice, snow, rain, and cold. But early spring […]

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3 Easy Gardening Projects to Tackle This Spring, Plus Helpful Programs for Gardeners

Posted in Explore and Discover on February 16, 2022 at 6:00 am

These three gardening projects for the 2022 season are a bit more urban in nature than for those with vegetable gardens: dividing perennials, adding a second rain barrel, and creating a container herb garden. Check out the library's gardening resources & upcoming programs to see your projects come to life. […]

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Discussing difficult topics with children

Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on March 11, 2020 at 6:00 am

father and daughter talking, with dog in park By Gwendolyn Haley I have found that parenting includes the need to have difficult conversations with children. My family recently lost a beloved dog, Pepe, who had been with us for over 14 years. He was an old dog and spent more and more of his time resting and sleeping. So while we were prepared […]

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Blast Off! for summer fun with space-themed crafts, books, and programs

Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on July 8, 2019 at 6:00 am

By Rachel Edmondson This year the library’s summer reading program has been celebrating A Universe of Stories. If you haven’t already poured through Engage, our programs and events guide, to circle the programs that interest you, I suggest you do so soon. We still have lots of summer programs you won’t want to miss! This […]

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Library Top 10

Posted in Explore and Discover, For You, kids, Parents and Teachers, Prime Time, Teens on December 30, 2014 at 6:00 am

By Rachel Edmondson I have a confession to make. I love “Top 10” lists, year-in-reviews, countdowns, you name it. I’m always so curious to see what is most popular and how it compares to my choices and preferences. Whether it is baby names, songs or books, I’m always intrigued. I must not be the only […]

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