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’Tis the Season for Mobile Devices

Posted on December 7, 2017 at 6:00 am

by Erin Dodge

Whether you have a new mobile device or you’re loving your old one, you have access to free apps and resources with your library card. You can download popular books, movies, music, and more. Because all of the apps and digital resources are free, avid and casual readers, listeners, and watchers of digital content can save hundreds of dollars each year on eBooks, audiobooks, music, and movies.

Before you spend a bundle on apps and in-app purchases for your mobile devices, check out the following free offerings from the Library District.


Discover eBooks and audiobooks of popular and topical fiction, nonfiction, and poetry titles that you can download for your Kindle and other eReaders as well as for audio players. Start digital reading and listening today!


What do you hoopla? This popular app includes downloadable and streaming music, movies, audiobooks, eBooks, comics, and television shows instantly with automatic returns, so you never have any late fees. Plan your road trips and family movie nights or just binge-watch your favorites with hoopla.


Even the youngest of readers can enjoy a great audiobook without busting your budget! Discover and listen to fiction and non-fiction audiobooks for children, young adults, and adult listeners. Explore classics and current titles with your internet connection and Audiobookcloud.

Get Help with Your Device

If frustration is keeping you from enjoying your mobile device, you can get personalized help with our Book-a-Librarian service. When you schedule an appointment at one of our libraries, library staff will help you understand the ins and outs of your mobile device, such as setting up your email, downloading eBooks, and more.

You’ll find even more apps and resources for hobbies and crafts, online courses, book recommendations, and lots of other interests online in our Digital Library.

It is the season for mobile devices, and you can make it a season of thriftiness too!

Erin Dodge

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