Posted in Explore and Discover, News on August 29, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Seed Library Locations Our Seed Library locations are: Check for gardening programs on our online events calendar. How Do Seed Libraries Work? You borrow from a selection of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds during the year, plant them in your garden, and watch them grow. When it’s time to harvest, collect some seeds to bring […]
Tags: classes, events, flowers, food, fruit, gardener, gardening, growing, herbs, seed lending, seed libraries, seed library, urban farming, vegetables
Posted in Explore and Discover on August 8, 2017 at 6:00 am
by Gwendolyn Haley My eyes are bigger than my freezer and pantry. Every year, I plant a little garden, only to be overwhelmed when everything starts to ripen at once. My family starts to groan and say, “No more… beans, tomatoes, squash” and so on. Each spring, I underestimate just how much produce will come […]
Tags: backyard bounty, bounty, community, food, fruit, garden, gardening, produce, produce swap, vegetables, veggies
Posted in Explore and Discover on April 25, 2017 at 6:00 am
By Erin Dodge I met with Teresa Sadler of Pumpkin Patch Community Garden to talk about the garden and learn her take on gardening, especially as a community. Originally a pumpkin patch and then a parking lot and staging site for the construction company that built the bridge over the river, the community garden was […]
Tags: adults, community, community garden, DIY, family, food, fruit, gardening, hobbies, kids, parents, plants, plot gardening, produce, urban farming, vegetables, veggies
Posted in Explore and Discover on September 13, 2016 at 6:00 am
By David Wyatt Earlier this summer when it was still scorching, I fenced off a portion of our yard to keep our new raised-bed garden out of reach of our two mutts. The dogs were not pleased to have lost some of their lawn. Too exhausted from the heat to do any more, I took […]
Tags: booklist, books, DIY, fruit, garden, gardening, hobbies, produce, raised-bed gardening, seed exchange, seed lending, seed library, vegetables
Posted in Explore and Discover on July 28, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Stefani Miller Few things are more delicious than the sweet tang of fresh berries on a hot summer day, preferably blended into something cold and refreshing. So I’m sharing the icy deliciousness of homemade fruit sorbet with you. Sorbet is the perfect summer treat. It’s easy to make. All you’ll need is fresh fruit, […]
Tags: booklists, cooking, family, food, fruit, ice cream, kids, no-bake, recipes, sorbet, treats