Posted in kids, Parents and Teachers on May 8, 2018 at 6:00 am
by Rachel Edmondson I want to start this post with a promise and a disclaimer. First, I promise I am not going to tell you to never ever let your kids watch TV, play a video game, or use a tablet. Second, I’m also not going to give you concrete answers on how you should […]
Tags: 3 Cs of media use, babies, baby, Child, Content, Context, early learning, education, educational, entertainment, family, kids, media, media use, parenting, parents, preschooler, preschoolers, screen time, tablet, toddler, toddlers, tv, video game, young learners
Posted in Explore and Discover, For You on February 3, 2016 at 6:00 am
By Kelsey Hudson As a librarian I feel I must advocate firmly for books in the age old books vs movies debate. I mean the Percy Jackson films just butchered the story and the new Hobbit films literally put me to sleep. That being said, there are many fantastic film adaptations out there. I still watch all […]
Tags: books, entertainment, movies