Posted in Explore and Discover on November 3, 2020 at 6:00 am
By Susan Goertz Lately, random songs have been popping into my head, often playing on loop, until I give in altogether and play the same track 20 times in a row while dancing in my pajamas. Maybe you are experiencing something similar. (No judgment. All feelings deserve to be felt.) With a quick online search, […]
Tags: adults, artist, community, dancing, hoopla, music, musicians, support
Posted in Explore and Discover on June 12, 2019 at 6:00 am
by Melissa Rhoades Writer Kurt Vonnegut survived being a soldier and prisoner of war during WWII. He also suffered from depression. Knowing these facts adds extra weight to Vonnegut’s thoughts about the importance of art: “The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more […]
Tags: art, art appreciation, art books, art classes, art therapy, arts, baking, blacksmithing, book list, coffee table books, create, creativity muse, dancing, drawing, glassblowing, how-to, painting, poetry, reward, sewing, singing, textiles, videos, writing
Posted in Parents and Teachers on February 20, 2019 at 6:00 am
By Abra Cole If you’re feeling like the parent of Ralphie from the movie A Christmas Story every time you try to get yourself and your kids bundled up to go outside, know that you are not alone. When the temperatures drop into (or below) the 20s, my family doesn’t spend as much time outdoors […]
Tags: activities, caregivers, cars, clean up, cotton balls, dancing, early learning, finger painting, flour, grandparents, indoor, infants, kids, loose parts, magnets, miscellaneous, parents, play, Play-Doh, pom-poms, preschoolers, rice, tape, teachers, toddlers, trucks, water